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Writer's pictureSorella Academy of Dance

We are very pleased to announce that we are both now also Acrobatic Arts Certified teachers! Acrobatic Arts classes will focus on students progressing through the syllabus via exams with the most comprehensive acrobatic dance program available worldwide. Another string to our bow and more opportunities for our students! More information on classes coming soon - please contact us to register your interest!

Writer's pictureSorella Academy of Dance

Wow! We have had such a fantastic day celebrating our 4th Year Anniversary today! Thank you to everyone for a lovely afternoon, we hope you all enjoyed yourselves just as much as we did! Well done to all of our students who have worked incredibly hard this year (as always!). It certainly was a very proud moment for us awarding you with your exam medals and certificates today! A huge CONGRATULATIONS is also in order to our ‘Dancer of the Year’ 2019 Angel Skinner! - Well done Angel!

Writer's pictureSorella Academy of Dance

WELL DONE to our students who attended the bag pack this afternoon! You all worked incredibly hard and made us so proud with your effort and work ethic, and we have had some lovely comments from customers about how polite, confident and helpful you were! Thank you so much to our students and their parents for taking time out of their day to support the school - we are truly grateful! Thank you to Tesco Solihull for having us too! Emails will be sent with the amount we raised today. THANK YOU!

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